For the fourth consecutive year, the University of Charleston will go head-to-head (or arm to arm) with West Virginia State University as they participate in a “Blood Drive Battle” to help the American Red Cross.
The BridgeValley Foundation is hosting a Bingo and Pajama Night on Saturday, December, 3rd at 6:30pm at the South Charleston campus Advanced Technology Center.
City Holding, parent company of City National Bank, is recognizing local businessman Jay Goldman for years of impactful service on its board by renovating a classroom at the University of Charleston in his honor.
On Friday afternoon Governor Jim Justice, along with state, local Nitro officials and citizens officially opened the new bridge that carries Interstate 64 across the Kanawha River Between the Nitro and St. Albans exits.
The West Virginia State University Agricultural and Environmental Research Station (WVSU AERS) is partnering with West Virginia University and Future Generations University to implement a comprehensive research, education and extension program benefiting maple producers and landowners throughout West Virginia and all regions where maple syrup is being produced using natural vacuum.
City Holding, parent company of City National Bank, is recognizing local businessman Jay Goldman for years of impactful service on its board by renovating a classroom at the University of Charleston in his honor.
Marshall University will officially kick off Homecoming week on Monday, Oct. 24, as faculty, staff, students, family and alumni come together in a bold display of unity, inclusion and oneness.
Dr. Lindsay Acree, assistant professor, Pharmacy Practice Department at the UC School of Pharmacy, has been awarded the first-ever Impact Award from the WV Department of Health and Human Resources Office of Drug Control Policy and the Bureau for Behavioral Health.